Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Fit Pregnancy

Alexa Jean Fit Pregnancy

I've been getting a lot of questions about Pregnancy Workouts and what specifically I did to stay in shape and bounce back after baby. This is such a touchy subject because everyone's body is different, everyone's pregnancy is different, and everyone's abilities while pregnant are different. Here are a few tips for you expecting mommies to stay in shape and healthy.

Rule #1 - SAFETY FIRST! hahah sounds silly but seriously - always chat with your doctor BEFORE starting any physical activities and if ever you're feeling fatigued, dizzy, or lightheaded - stop and cool down. 

Now that we've got safety covered =] on to the physical activity! While I was pregnant I would speed walk on the treadmill for 20 minutes on a slight incline and then I would do 10 minutes on the stair stepper. I found that being active for 30 minutes each day helped me with body aches and back pain I also slept better and had a lot more energy if I was active each day. If you're going to start a regular routine, as always, get it approved with your doctor first. 

Sometimes you just won't feel like going to the gym, especially if you're a working mommy and you're exhausted from a long day and a commute! Low impact and low risk activities are great to mix up your routine. I LOVED swimming because it took the weight off my lower back. Yoga is amazing to loosen you up and prepare you for delivery. Pilates is also a great activity to gain some strength without taking a toll on your joints with the extra weight you're carrying. 

Towards month 8, I was pretty much maxed out. Walks around the neighborhood and the park were about all I could do. I gained 53 lbs by the time little Lo was born! I wasn't sure how I would EVER look the way I did before baby but I'm so glad that I stayed active throughout my pregnancy to help me bounce back.



What to eat before and after a workout

Action Against Obesity